If you are a very good person but occasionally doubt it, then you need to read this!
By: Kati Paeorg
If you are a very good person but occasionally doubt it, then you need to read this!
If you are a very good person but occasionally doubt it, then you need to read this!
You love your family, you have friends, you are an entrepreneur or you have a job, you manage your daily life, yet sometimes you feel that you are not a good person.
While doubting is humane, it should not be done indefinitely, as confusion and uncertainty create fear.
What could be the reason that you doubt whether you are a good person or not?
The reason is guilt!
Good people want everything to go well, but:
- They didn’t pick up the child from practice in time and feel guilty.
- They didn’t make the presentation as perfectly as they wanted, the client didn’t sign the contract and they feel guilty.
- They didn’t make it to the gym themselves, which must mean they can’t plan their day and they feel guilty.
- They didn’t take a healthy homemade meal with them to work, they ate fast food, that must mean they are careless towards themselves and they feel guilty.
- And so on.
I believe you’ve never heard that blaming someone has brought a positive outcome. Even when someone makes a mistake, it’s important to give explanatory feedback on what and why is unacceptable. Blaming creates anger and resentment. Generally, people don’t do bad things out of spite; they make mistakes.
If you are a good person and you blame someone, does this give you a good feeling?
I think your answer is no!
And so, why blame yourself?
You probably do it out of a habit.
If you truly believe, that you were unjust towards somebody, then go and apologize, sincerely, ask how you can make amends.
But if you haven’t done anything wrong, then you need to stop the recurring thoughts in your mind about blaming yourself; you must let go of that habitual thought that you are guilty, which causes feelings of guilt.
Just a note for you: we were born into this world, and we did not know what guilt or shame or regret is. All these feelings are taught to us during our lifetime. Experiencing those feelings is humane, but it is simply a waste of time and creates a negative self-image and negative feelings.
If you want to achieve a steady stream of a clear feeling that you are a good person, which allows you to calmly focus on creating your life and fulfilling your desires, then book a free discovery call, and we will discuss how I can help you achieve this. You can book the call on my website katipaeorg.com