We have a conscious, analytical and critical mind which we use to make rational and useful decisions.
In addition to that we have a subconscious, great and powerful automatic mind which makes us happy and makes us feel the butterflies in our stomach when we see a lovely partner. It also makes us feel fear when we see a critical person, makes us feel hungry when we see a lot of tasty food, makes us feel anxious before we take an exam.
Subconsciously, we choose beautiful clothes for us or decorate our homes, because exactly these types of clothes or home makes us feel good.
Emotions are evaluated differently, such as: don’t be so emotional; men are rational, women are emotional; you must do the chores and not feel happy all the time; men don’t cry etc, etc. None of us denies that we have emotions, just emotions seem very puzzling.
Emotions come from our thoughts, when you see your children rejoicing, you know that everything is fine with them, you feel joy. If you think that you have to go to work again tomorrow, there are routine tasks and no change, you may feel bored.

Our subconscious beliefs create our thoughts, our thoughts create our emotions, our emotions create our reactions, and our reactions create our life events.
Most of our beliefs are locked in by the time we are five years old, we learn half of what we know in the first five years of life. Our beliefs are locked in by the mind of a child, based on the child’s short life experience.
In order to create lasting change, it is necessary to address the problem at the subconscious level. RTT hypnotherapy creates change on the subconscious level. The subconscious mind guides you 95%, the conscious mind only 5%. This is why when there is a struggle between emotions and logic, your emotions always, always, always win.
Most often, a very powerful feeling called fear wins. We are so ready to dump all the good things in our life, just to feel safe, just in case somebody hurts us with their hurtful words. We reject love or provoke a nice person, just to see if he passes the test. Nobody likes to be provoked, they reject the person who provoked, and the provoker thinks: I am right, he didn’t pass. And another dead end.

How does RTT remove the root cause?
RTT hypnotherapy deals with your limiting beliefs, which come from childhood and will rule you until you grab hold of them and change them. RTT is different because it goes to the subconscious root cause, which gives you an unwanted result and removes it, when most therapies try to teach you to live with the symptoms.
When dealing with symptoms, the root cause continues to hide beneath the surface and you never know when a new outbreak will occur. If the root cause is removed, the symptoms disappear on their own.
RTT hypnotherapy requires a hypnotic state, i.e. a great relaxation, because just talking does not solve people’s problems, a change in the subconscious is needed. If only talking would help, there would already be solutions. A mere hypnotic state is also not enough, because it is only a relaxing state. As a second component, RTT therapy has unique and internationally recognised techniques that help the client to understand what has happened to him.
It is not the life events of the past that affect us, but what we began to think about ourselves and life in general, during the events. The beliefs and thought form that moment, become default automatic mode for us.
Let me tell you a story.
Once upon a time there was a father with two sons. The father didn’t get along with his life, consumed alcohol, committed criminal acts and was imprisoned. One of the sons followed in his father’s footsteps, drank too much alcohol and committed criminal acts and ended up in prison. He though he didn’t deserve better.
The other son worked and studied. He got married, started a family, pursued a career and rejoiced about everything good he had in his life. He chose good relationships and success in his beloved career, because he believed it was all available to him and he was no longer dependent on his terrible family.
The sons were asked a similar question: how did you get such a life? And the two sons answered in a similar way: what other life could I choose, given what kind of father I had?
The brothers grew up with their father, they had a similar childhood, one brother began to think that the world is an evil place, only strength and violence would get him through. The other brother started to think that he wanted to have a better life than he had as a child, he wanted to have beautiful relationships, love and interesting work in which to develop.
It is not life events that determine our lives, but what we begin to think about life and ourselves during these events. The brothers had similar life events but they developed different beliefs.

Kati Paeorg and Marisa Peer
What is the hypnotherapy session like?
The session begins with me helping you feel comfortable and relaxed. In a hypnotic session, you have not less but more control over yourself. You are in great calm and in contact with yourself.
The session is very relaxing and in this state you have access to your subconscious, which is not accessible in the conscious state. We look at some episodes from your life that are in direct connection with your deep beliefs and convictions and that create patterns of behaviour that you don’t want in your life. At the end of the session you will remember what happened during the session.
By looking at the past events trough the eyes of an adult, you can now give a completely new meaning to past situations, a less critical and much more supportive meaning. The irrational mess created by the child`s mind will disappear and you will get great clarity.
We look at three or four scenes. It is good to know that nothing can be relived, the events have already happened and they can only be reviewed. After watching the scenes, you, in cooperation with the therapist, choose new beliefs, supportive and positive, that will bring about the desired change in your life. You get a personal audio and listen to it for 21 days in a row and code in deeply into yourself, finally recording, on a subconscious level, new positive beliefs about yourself and life.
Subconscious mind learns by repetition. When you hear the supporting and positive words and thoughts over and over again every day, you program them into yourself and they create completely new habits for you.
For example, if you used to think that a few cocktails or a cigarette is a good way to relax, then in the future you want a nice smoothie after a jog. If you used to think that you had to consider everyone, serve like a good person, then in the future you will devote more time to your own needs, to your hobby. Whatever your wish is.
In what cases can RTT help?
RTT can help with many conditions – such as:
- achieving goals
- addictions
- anger
- anxiety
- depression
- panic attacks
- career
- coercive behaviours
- childhood traumas
- confidence
- weight loss
- taking exams
- fears (height, enclosed spaces, dentist, needles, animals, etc.)
- guilt
- memory and concentration
- money blocks
- relationships
- loving relationships
- relaxation and stress
- public speaking
- athletic achievements
- sales success
- health problems: fertility, successful pregnancy, eczema, atopic dermatitis, alopecia, asthma, migraines, pains

Book a free discovery call
If you’d like to improve your life in these areas then book a free discovery call today! During the call you will already get clarity and new positive outlooks.