Confidence always depends on how much you like yourself. It is only natural that we like ourselves and we have good intentions towards ourselves and we do not have a hidden agenda about ourselves.
If you like yourself, then you send a message to the world, saying: I hope you like me, but if not, that does not matter, because I LIKE MYSELF.
Natural confidence is high and balanced at the same time. You like yourself and you like other people. The higher you value yourself the more appreciation you have towards other people. And vice versa.
If you are not a confident person, you also do not think that other people are special or valuable. Confidence depends always on how much you like yourself. If you work on yourself, to regain your natural confidence, then all the aspects of your life start to fall in the right place. Your mood improves, your projects are successful and you have beautiful relationships.
How do we lose phenomenal confidence, that we are all born with?
Very few adults enjoy public attention. The natural joy to be noticed and to be at the centre of attention fades away and the performance anxiety starts to grow, sometimes already in the early teens.
Imagine, a small sweet little girl who wants to perform her song, but her parents do not have time for her and they say: you are a big girl already, you should engage in more serious activities than singing. And the small girl thinks: oh, there is something wrong with me, I should behave differently, I don’t know how, but not like the way I am. And her natural joy to be just the way she is, starts to disappear, her natural confidence starts to disappear. She loses her courage to perform her songs.
Or imagine, a small boy takes part in a sporting event and he finishes last and others make fun of him. From there on the boy becomes a total and dedicated sports fan and trains all of the time or he becomes very inventive to avoid sports events at all cost.
The fear of being judged can become so overwhelming, that it stops the child for good, the child cannot say a word or even move his body. And this is something that we just do not want to experience ever again.
As adults, some people are doing excellently at their jobs, but they have relationship problems because they can put up a show at work, but at home, where their partner is hoping for an open and sincere relationship, they do not know how to do that. They do not consider themselves attractive or good enough and their insecurity creates problems.
Insecurity manifests in overreacting or in extreme modesty, where everybody else is more important than a person himself.
And there are people who have a beautiful relationship, but outside the home, they do not ask for anything. They do not get promoted, because they dear not to say their contributing opinion nor do they give valuable constructive feedback. They are not valuable in finding solutions.
You could think that loudly speaking people, even cocky people are confident, but in reality, they are just trying to convince others of their value. So, the most important thing to work with, is your confidence, to regain your confidence.
The way to grow your confidence is to like yourself more and more. You should be true to your own values and you should react only to kind, supportive, constructive feedback and you should bounce back from negativity as a ball bounces back for a wall. Just imagine for a minute how different your life would be if you like yourself in every way …
A lot of people live their lives trying to please other people, doing things for other people, trying to figure out what to say so others would like them. It is not a bad thing to find good words, but people-pleasers do not get the appreciation and respect from others, because they do not reflect natural confidence.
People notice insecure people subconsciously and they think to themselves: oh, she tries so hard to follow the norms, to please, but she cannot be trusted, as she does not trust herself. Trying to please others to be accepted just does not work.
Natural confidence looks like the same as you had it as a small cute child. You never doubted yourself, you did not think whether you were smart or dumb, beautiful or ugly, rich or poor, good or bad. You were just you, you were interested in life, asked questions, asked some more, asked over and over again until you got an understandable answer. You simply did not stop before you got the understanding. You asked to form different people to get different opinions. And you did it every day, took interest, asked questions, you were interested and you never gave up.
As a child, you were confident despite what you knew or did not know. There will always be people who are smarter, more talented, quicker, or stronger. You do not have to be good at everything. It is more than enough if you like yourself and you evolve in the field that you love, that is exciting especially for you.
RTT helps you to discover your childhood events, that stole your natural and beautiful confidence. You cannot change the thing that you do not understand. When you profoundly understand what happened to you, why, where, how and when you lost your confidence, you can let go of the past events, as understanding is power and creates the desired change.
Book your free consultation
Confidence is something that you cannot find from outer factors or other people’s opinions. Confidence is always inside the job; it equals how much you like yourself. Let me help you to regain your natural, beautiful, attractive confidence!